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This is the one of a kind Chumbo Zone experience, an experience so unique and groundbreaking it has redefined gaming itself and become the first true Chumbo-type game. The game features levels and gameplay, and even an ending. For the low price of free.99, you too can play the number one sleeper hit of the year and experience Chumbility all in the comfort of your own cardboard box.

(1 edit) (+1)

the best strand type game since mario


This game was amazing and I love the dialog :D

How did you make the text move like that though?


i drew my own two handmade fonts that the game switches between using every second or so

Deleted 4 years ago

to make stuff appear 3d like the walls and that one enemy towards the end of the game, i just stacked many sprites on top of eachother and offset their y values to make them appear 3d. to make sprites like the ones for the player and enemy, i just made the orientation of their sprites correspond to the orientation of the camera, which is called billboarding.

I didn't know what Chumbo.Zone was but now it's the only place I want to be.

But on a serious note, I absolutely love the concept of a "never paying off" game and you nailed this. That finale song is perfect as well. I love it. Great experience, seriously!

finally somebody gets what it means to be chumbo. thank you for playing through my experience.


wow dude this really is huh



Made a video


thank you!


Hi! I just wanna let you know that your exe gets picked up by my anti-virus software as malware for some reason. Specifically it picks it up as this:

that's really strange and i can't think of any reason why it's doing that. has it detected any other games you've downloaded from here as malware or anything like that?

No it is not. I believe in you lads that it's not and WinDef does not pick it up. Just wanted to give you a heads up.


thanks for the notice. i honestly have no idea why it'd do that.


to say the least, 



it is


This is a modern classic, a masterpiece, the definition of high art. I'll pass down this game to my nephew, and his son, and his son, so that no one can every forget this magnificent file known as a video game.


finally somebody gets it